Our Services

With greater emphasis on value over volume, healthcare reform coupled with technological change is rapidly changing the face of the U.S. healthcare system. As new approaches for provider reimbursement and healthcare delivery are proposed–and ultimately implemented–providers and payers need sophisticated analyses to understand what works and what doesn’t and data to inform policy decisions. KNG Health provides a variety of such services, tailors them to fit each client’s needs, and adjusts them as each client’s needs change. Please click each green arrow to learn more about each of our services.

  • Health Economics & Outcomes Research

    We conduct health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) to assess the comparative effectiveness and value of a broad range of medical interventions—including pharmaceuticals and medical devices–and settings of care. With experience using both large and small datasets, we are adept in a range of techniques, including quasi-experimental design, regression analysis, Markov modeling, and microsimulation. Our experts, grounded in robust methods, work with clients to design and implement approaches to conduct HEOR studies that meet their budget and needs.  What sets us apart are our ability to think “outside the box,” effectively communicate complicated methods and findings to non-technical audiences, and understand payer and policy maker perspectives.

  • Program Evaluation and Monitoring

    With new healthcare delivery and payment systems being tested every day, empirical research is needed to understand which approaches work, which ones do not work, and which ones need to be modified to be made more effective. Our Evaluation and Health Economics practice area offers evaluation and monitoring services to clients to answer these questions. These types of studies require careful research design and an ability to translate findings into actionable results, often within a tight timeframe and with limited information. Taking all these needs and constraints into account, we work with our clients to create and apply credible and empirically sound research approaches, from descriptive analysis to more complex econometric and modeling methods.

  • Advanced Data Analytics

    We recognize that you know your business better than we do. To maximize your business’ performance, however, you need actionable data…and fast. That is where we come in. Whether it’s market analysis, demand projections, or a deep dive into quality and performance trends, our advanced data analytics services will assist you in getting the data you need to help you do your job better.

  • Healthcare Reform Modeling

    Complex healthcare legislation, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), can produce dramatic changes in federal spending, premiums, and insurance coverage. Any attempt to forecast these impacts requires a systematic effort to foresee likely behavioral responses from plan enrollees, insurers, employers, and even public officials. The KNG Health Reform Model (HRM) uses a microsimulation framework to generate coverage and financial impact estimates for major health reform proposals.

  • Payment Policy & Delivery System Innovation

    New payment policies designed to transform how providers deliver healthcare services are being introduced and tested. Before these payment policies are implemented, providers need to understand their financial implications to best position themselves in this new environment. Our payment policy and delivery system innovation services include payment system assessment and improvement, policy development and evaluation, and replication of Medicare payment systems.

  • Quality & Performance Measurement

    Healthcare provider payments are increasingly being tied to quality and other performance metrics. Our quality and performance measurement services offer a wide array of analyses from designing or refining approaches for measuring quality and provider performance to providing the data that allow providers to identify target areas for quality improvement.